Tech for Housing

The need

52% of low-income California households lack home Internet connectivity

  • Access to public services
    Student’s education
  • Access to healthcare and financial resources
  • Build skills, search for and apply to jobs

Tech for All Services We Can Provide

  • 8 hours of digital skills trainings (Currently only in English)
    • Modules include: email & browser basics, job search & application, managing services online, parent educational resources (for multi-family), and staying connected (for seniors)
  • Free refurbished computer for graduates
  • Assist residents with $10/month Internet options
  • Installation and maintenance of onsite computer center
  • Onsite tech support for residents


Support outreach efforts (fliers, newsletter content, tabling at events)
Incentivize class participation (refreshments, raffle technology accessories)
Adapt curriculum to needs of residents
Collaboratively build training schedule
Produce quarterly written reports

Why Tech Exchange?

Provided over 35,000 individual training hours and 47,000 computers in the Bay Area.
Providing training + hardware:

  • Keep costs low
  • Engage youth interns in refurbishment process
  • In-house technical staff to respond to support requests

Cost of Service

$50,000 to serve 125 households for 12 months ($400/resident).

  • Resident outreach, digital skills classes, computers for participants, computer center, onsite tech support